Serve With Us
We live out our faith in service to our neighbors. Here are some of the local organizations we partner with.
Sunday Dinners at ECHO
Twice a month, we supply a hot and healthy meal on Sunday evening for residents and clients of ECHO (El Camino Homeless Shelter).
Additionally, we often collect clothing and supplies for ECHO clients and help raise funds to support their temporary housing program by joining in their annual “Long Walk Home” event each September.
The Salvation Army
We donate funds monthly to The Salvation Army to help with purchasing supplies for their community food pantry. In return, they often supply us with some of the food we use in our Sunday dinners for ECHO.
Lumina Alliance
We collect funds and purchase grocery gift cards for clients of Lumina Alliance every Thanksgiving and Christmas season. Lumina Alliance serves survivors of sexual and intimate partner violence and assists their clients with everything from emergency shelter to therapy, legal assistance, advocacy, and self-sufficiency.
Mujeres de Acción
We are excited to develop our newest partnership with the wonderful SLO County grassroots organization, Mujeres de Acción. They work to educate, empower, and lead the Latino community through initiatives such as food drives, health education, and more.
Paso Cares
During the winter we participate in Paso Cares' Warming Center program, which offers a safe and warm indoor space for our unhoused neighbors on cold and rainy nights. On those Saturday nights, 5-20 people come and sleep in our sanctuary.
Afterschool Program
We are currently in the process of creating an afterschool program for children, partnering with the Georgia Brown Dual Immersion school just across the street.