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What to Expect
Service Details
Weekly worship service begins at 11:00am every Sunday and lasts about one hour.
Atmosphere and tone:
Worship services are relaxed, friendly, and casual. We sing together, we speak our hopes and joys and concerns out loud with one another, and we pray as if our lives depended on it.
Our pastor’s sermons are 15-20 minutes long and tend to focus on how the biblical story or a traditional belief of Christianity makes a difference in how we live every day as God’s partners in bringing compassion, justice, and peace to our families, our workplaces, and our community.
After the worship service, we hang around for a while, sharing coffee and sweets, and catching up on each other’s lives.
We practice a traditional communion liturgy, with gluten-free bread and grape juice, on the first Sunday of every month.
In the Methodist tradition, everyone is invited to this table, without qualification or condition. You don’t have to be a member of the church, a United Methodist, or even a good person. You just have to be hungry for the presence of the holy, symbolized in this meal Christ initiated and invited us to share.
Plan a Visit!
To help you prepare for your first visit, here is some information you might find helpful to know.
How early should I arrive? Where do I go?
Our Sunday worship service begins at 11:00am. Arriving 5-10 minutes early allows you time to grab a cup of coffee, chat with folks outside, and listen to some beautiful piano music provided by our Musical Director/Pianist, Bobby.
When you arrive, you’ll see people in the foyer. They’re there to welcome visitors and regulars both, answer questions, and to address any particular needs. They’ll hand you a printed bulletin with the information you’ll need to participate in the worship service. Once you enter the building, turn left to enter the sanctuary. On your left, you’ll see a bulletin board with information and sign-ups for activities and service opportunities coming up. You’re welcome to sit anywhere you feel comfortable.
When you arrive, you’ll see people in the foyer. They’re there to welcome visitors and regulars both, answer questions, and to address any particular needs. They’ll hand you a printed bulletin with the information you’ll need to participate in the worship service. Once you enter the building, turn left to enter the sanctuary. On your left, you’ll see a bulletin board with information and sign-ups for activities and service opportunities coming up. You’re welcome to sit anywhere you feel comfortable.
Is there Sunday School or childcare?
We don’t have a regular group of children at the church currently, but children are a welcome part of our congregation; in fact, every Sunday we speak a special blessing on the children of our families, our church, our community, and the world! If you’re interested in Sunday School, this is a great opportunity for you to help shape a new program.
When you come to visit with young children, we’ll provide them with activities (coloring materials, puzzle pages, etc). If you’re comfortable with this, there are adults available to take very young ones to the “littles’ room” to play during prayer/quiet time during the service.
If you are interested in child care during the service, please ask one of the greeters when you arrive and we will make arrangements to accommodate.
When you come to visit with young children, we’ll provide them with activities (coloring materials, puzzle pages, etc). If you’re comfortable with this, there are adults available to take very young ones to the “littles’ room” to play during prayer/quiet time during the service.
If you are interested in child care during the service, please ask one of the greeters when you arrive and we will make arrangements to accommodate.
What accessibility features are offered?
Our church building is flat and in compliance with ADA standards, making it easily accessible by wheelchair. The sound is well amplified for those hard of hearing, and a printed bulletin is provided to help you follow along with the service.
What should I wear?
Come as you are, wearing whatever you feel comfortable in! Don’t feel as though you have to get dolled up in your “Sunday best,” unless that’s what you prefer.
Can I take communion if I'm not baptized or a member of the church? How does it work?
In the United Methodist Church, everyone is invited to the communion table, where we share a traditional communion ritual on the first Sunday of each month. We serve grape juice and gluten-free bread.
During communion, ushers dismiss folks row by row to stand and approach the table to receive this sacrament. If you have mobility difficulties, the servers will come to you. If you need to remain seated during communion, please let an usher know; since some folks choose not to receive communion, servers won’t automatically approach you–we believe taking communion is a personal choice.
During communion, ushers dismiss folks row by row to stand and approach the table to receive this sacrament. If you have mobility difficulties, the servers will come to you. If you need to remain seated during communion, please let an usher know; since some folks choose not to receive communion, servers won’t automatically approach you–we believe taking communion is a personal choice.
Am I expected to contribute when the offering is taken?
An offering is collected only by way of a plate at the back of the worship space. Contributing is not obligatory, especially if you’re just visiting. If you’d like to make a gift to sustain the church’s work in the community, we’ll be grateful. But giving is not a requirement for you to attend the worship service. Gifts to the church – by cash or check – are tax deductible.
Can I (or my children or grandchildren) be baptized at the church?
Yes. United Methodists believe that every person is held in the love and grace of God – from birth. Baptism is not necessary to "protect" anyone from God’s judgment or wrath. It is, however, a public statement, by a person capable of making their own decision or by parents on behalf of an infant child, that signals an intention to live in the pattern and community of Jesus Christ.
If you’d like to talk more about baptism, for yourself or someone else, please contact the Pastor at fumcpr@gmail.com or via the contact form on the homepage of this website.