Connect With Us
For more information about getting involved with any or all of the following groups, please email us at, or send us a message using the contact form on the homepage of this site.
Learn With Us
Deepen your spiritual understanding by joining one of our weekly group studies. These groups seek to relate foundational Christian teachings to present-day issues. The curriculum for each is chosen mindfully, to spark group discussion that encourages us to engage the Bible and contemporary writers.
Mondays 7:00-8:30 pm
- Location: Monday evening study group meets virtually, via Zoom.
- Time commitment: One book chapter per week (about 5 pages of reading) plus related scripture reading.
Tuesdays 2:00-3:30 pm
- Location: This in-person study group meets at the church.
- Time commitment: One book chapter of reading per week in the text, plus a brief excerpt of related text in the Bible.
When we begin any new study, we bulk-purchase the reading material and members contribute their share as they are able. If you would like to participate in our group study but are unable to cover the cost of the book, scholarships are available.
New learners are welcome to join either study group at any point in time.
United Women In Faith
Join the United Women In Faith (formerly United Methodist Women), a global ministry network focused on uplifting and empowering local communities and beyond. Monthly meetings take place at 11:00 am on the 2nd Thursday of each month. Together, women in our community meet to discuss and plan ways they can help make a difference in their neighborhoods and the world.
Eat With Us
Nothing says “Methodist” better than a potluck! Join us for food and fellowship each first Sunday of the month, directly following the worship service (about 12pm).
Bring a dish to share, if you are able. If your talents lie outside of the kitchen, don’t worry about fussing over something homemade. A pack of soft drinks, fresh fruit, relish trays, chips & dip – even a pizza is a wonderful addition to the spread.
Everyone is welcome at the table, whether you’re able to bring something to share or not. The aim is to enjoy time spent together, catching up with old friends, and making new ones.
Bring a dish to share, if you are able. If your talents lie outside of the kitchen, don’t worry about fussing over something homemade. A pack of soft drinks, fresh fruit, relish trays, chips & dip – even a pizza is a wonderful addition to the spread.
Everyone is welcome at the table, whether you’re able to bring something to share or not. The aim is to enjoy time spent together, catching up with old friends, and making new ones.
Center With Us
Morning Prayer
Every morning, Monday through Friday, we gather on a conference call at 6:30 am, for 7 minutes of centering, inspiration, and prayer to begin our days. You are welcome to join this call; send an email to and we’ll send you the information you’ll need.
Every call ends with these words
written by the poet Padraig O'Tuama:
May we find the wisdom we need. God be with us.May we hear the needs of those we meet. God be with us.May we love the life we’ve been given. God be with us.
Be a Courageous Neighbor With Us
FUMCPR, in collaboration with Mujeres de Accion, has launched a coalition of faith communities and community members to stand in solidarity with our immigrant neighbors, particularly in this time of threatened mass deportations.
The aims of this work are to:
- advocate for marginalized and mixed-status families, and for just treatment of community members who are undocumented
- provide a community of practical support—a safety net—for those in our communities whose lives are altered by fear of deportation
- build long-term cross-cultural relationships of community and friendship
- There is much need for practical forms of assistance. Can you offer time, skill, or other resources to one of these efforts?
- Assist families in filling out forms and paperwork
- Teaching or participating in English/Spanish as a Second Language classes
- Volunteering at a Saturday community gathering
- Gathering food/clothing/baby supplies for distribution
- Driving neighbors to shopping/errands/appointments in town
- Become a one-on-one friend to a community resident from a different cultural/national background
- Contribute to a fund for rental assistance
If so, join us! Send an email to, and we'll put you on the list to receive further information.